You have been placed on Financial Aid Merit Suspension status and your merit scholarship has been canceled. It has been canceled due to the number of failed classes or no credit grades you have received. As a result, you did not meet the necessary credit requirements for the scholarship renewal.

If you feel you have unusual or extenuating circumstances regarding your current status, please submit this Online Merit Appeal along with documentation to support your situation to the Merit Scholarship Appeals Committee of the Financial Services Office.

You may also review your current statement of account by going to:

Self-Service > Account Finance > Account Inquiry > Request Statement of Account

* denotes required information

Personal Information
Student name *
Student ID number *
Contact email address *
Telephone number *
Status Undergraduate
Reason for merit appeal *
Additional Documentation

To the extent that you have documents that would support your Merit Appeal, please list them below and fax them to us at 312.629.6601. Each document should be clearly marked to the attention of the "Merit Appeal Committee" and should include student name and ID#.

The Appeal Committee will review your information and will respond within 7–10 business days.

Supporting document(s) name (if any):